Student Uniform and Grooming



Appropriate dress is the primary responsibility of the student and his/her parent or guardian. In order to promote safety, personal hygiene, academic well-being, and moral development, students shall be expected to comply with reasonable requirements relating to dress, grooming and personal appearance. Students are expected to come to school dressed appropriately with proper attention having been given to personal cleanliness, grooming, and neatness of dress.


The following is the dress code for grades K-12 except students at Margaret K. Lewis and Tom P. Haney Technical Center.


The dress code policy applies from the time the student arrives on campus until the end of the school day and at all school activities during the school day. Exceptions may be made by the principal for field trips or other special activities (examples: Honors and Awards ceremonies).



• All tops must be unaltered and appropriately fitted with sleeves; cannot be so sheer or tight as to reveal underwear or body parts

• Collared or crewneck tops only; scoop or v-neck shirts will not be permitted

• School approved T-shirts (club, spirit, etc) are permitted

• School colors preferred and encouraged

Students in grades K-5 th: any solid color or print patterns; manufacturer’s graphics or logos permitted

• Students in grades 6th -12th: any solid color or print patterns; No graphics or logos except for a small manufacturer’s trademark

• Students may layer their tops; however, all visible tops including camisoles or undershirts must be in solid colors



• Bottoms must be any solid color • Bottoms must be appropriately fitted and seated at the waist; cannot be so sheer or tight as to reveal underwear or body parts

• No shorts, skirts or dresses shorter than five inches (5") above the kneecaps as measured standing up, (K–5 students may wear jumpers) 

• Any pants with holes, rips, or tears 5 inches above the kneecaps are not permitted

• Dresses with sleeves (underarm must be covered) must be a solid color or print patterns but no graphics

• Small manufacturer’s trademark and minimal embellishments are acceptable

• Fitness pants such as leggings, yoga pants, exercise tights, etc. are permitted but must be covered with a top that reaches fingertip length when arms are at sides



• Closed toes and closed backs preferred

• Sandals with back or back strap for grades K-5 only

• No bedroom shoes, flip-flops, shower shoes, slides or beach footwear



• Long-sleeved sweaters, sweatshirts, or hoodies must be a solid color or print patterns but no graphics (unless school approved spirit or club)

• Small manufacturer’s trademark is acceptable

• Hood may not be worn indoors or in covered hallways Note: School approved means clothing carries school logo and is in school colors.



Cloth Face Coverings:

• Cloth face coverings may be worn by students as necessary for health and safety

• Coverings must be solid colors or school approved

• Coverings may not cover eyes or tops of head

• Students will assume full responsibility for their own personal cloth face coverings



• Scarves must be worn appropriately around the neck or shoulders (accessory item only; no bandanas)

• No head wear except sunglasses. Hats or other sun-protective wear to only be worn while students are outdoors during school hours (not during class changes); however, at all other times, the sun-protective items must be properly stored by the student in pockets, purse, locker or backpack

• No jewelry or accessory that may be used as weapons such as chains or spiked jewelry

• Jackets/Coats must have either buttons, zippers or snaps that are from top to bottom. Jackets can be any color. Jackets may be worn in the classroom at the discretion of the teacher.

• Students participating in extracurricular activities shall conform to the standards of this policy while attending classes during the regular school day. Cheerleaders may wear their uniforms when required for participation in school sanctioned activities. Athletes may wear the team jerseys on game days with appropriate uniform bottoms.

• Earbuds – Principals are granted discretion of authority necessary to implement a technology policy (including earbuds/headphones) that best meets the needs of their campuses. In order for students to be made aware of security announcements or other hazardous situations in a timely manner, it is expected that all students will adhere to single earbud use while on campus, at school-sponsored events and on school-sponsored transportation. Earbuds are permitted during supervised testing situations.


Exceptions to wearing dress code attire are permitted when:

• A student wears a uniform of a nationally recognized youth organization, such as the Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts, on regular meeting days;

• A student wears a costume, special clothing or attire necessary for participation in a school-sponsored or extracurricular activity provided the clothing complies with District policy.

• The dress code guidelines violate a student’s sincerely held religious belief. Students enrolled in special programs such as on-the-job vocational training, or participating in school activities which require additional standards of dress or grooming shall comply with such additional standards. When applicable, students shall be required to “dress out” and wear physical education uniforms prescribed by the school.

• A reasonable accommodation is needed to address a student’s disability or medical condition. A request in writing shall be made to the principal by the student’s parent/guardian.


Discipline for violating this policy shall be as follows:

• First and second offense consequences are: notification of parent or guardian; change of inappropriate attire;

• Consequences for subsequent offenses may include one or more of the following at the discretion of the principal:

      A. notification of parent or guardian;

      B. change of inappropriate attire;

      C. one to three days of in-school or out-of-school suspension; or

      D. three days after school detention, if available.

• The fourth and subsequent offenses are willful disobedience which will result in further disciplinary action, which may include out of school suspension or expulsion;

• Any absence resulting from a violation of the Student Dress Code will be considered an unexcused absence.


Prohibited Attire at all Schools

Each student is expected to dress appropriately in such a manner that is respectful to self and others. Dress and grooming shall be clean, healthy and safe, and shall not be permitted to disrupt the teaching and learning environment. Attire and accessories that are prohibited include, but are not limited to:

• Clothing that exposes underwear or body parts

• Fishnet tights

• Garters

• Halloween costumes or anything perceived as a dress up costume

• Sleepwear, pajamas, or other bedroom clothes

• Beach wear or bathing suits

• Visible undergarments including camisole tops or undershirts

• Animal tails

• Any clothing or accessory item that causes a disruption to the learning environment Any student who violates this specific policy of prohibited attire is subject to the following disciplinary actions:

• For a first offense, a student shall be given a verbal warning and the school principal shall call the student’s parent or guardian.

• For a second offense, the student is ineligible to participate in any extracurricular activity for a period of time not to exceed five (5) days and the school principal shall meet with the student’s parent or guardian.

• For a third or subsequent offense, a student shall receive an in-school suspension pursuant to §1003.01(5), Florida Statutes for a period not to exceed three (3) days, the student is ineligible to participate in any extracurricular activity for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, and the school principal shall call the student’s parent or guardian and send the parent or guardian a written letter regarding the student’s in-school suspension and ineligibility to participate in extracurricular activities.


Any interpretation of the dress code that is required of this policy shall be the responsibility of the principal of each school. The Superintendent is authorized to make the final decision regarding the interpretation, application and enforcement of this policy and to make certain that it is being uniformly applied and enforced at each of the schools within the District.


The Superintendent can add dress code requirements based upon the unique needs of the population served at a school.


Authority: §1001.41, Fla. Stat. Law Implemented: §§1001.43, 1006.07, Fla. Stat. History: New, June 12, 1989 Revised: July 24, 1997; November 17, 1998; June 13, 2001; January 25, 2006; September 13, 2006; April 25, 2007; September 12, 2007; June 24, 2009; January 13, 2010; July 14, 2010; September 13, 2011; November 22, 2011; April 9, 2013; May 14, 2013; June 28, 2016 (without requirement of meeting – correct reference to School Advisory Council); September 27, 2016; July 30, 2019; July 13, 2021

1311 Balboa Avenue
Panama City, FL 32401
(850) 767-4100
Mark McQueen
Superintendent, Bay District Schools
Office of the Superintendent
Holly Buchanan
Employment and Income Verification Equity Coordinator
Public Records Request